“Book Shower” at Kapitan Isidro Mendoza Public Library

14 04 2009

Have you ever heard of or been to a book shower?  Many of you (as I) may be familiar with bridal showers or baby showers, those happy and intimate gift-giving ocassions usually organised by family and close friends for brides or moms-to-be before the big wedding day or before giving birth. A book shower operates in the same spirit as bridal/baby showers, ie. gift-giving and a grand appreciation for gifts! The Perth Manila Book Project (PMBP) donated books to the Kapitan Isidro Mendoza Public Library, Pandacan Manila last month, and they’re so grateful that they’ve organised a formal book turn-over ceremony (ie. a book shower) on 04 April 2009. In attendance were community leaders from Pandacan, Ka Sixto Carlos, Grace Cacho from the Manila City Library Council, Cely Umali the OIC of Kapitan Isidro Library, Manang Aida (who I was soooo happy to see again) and residents of Pandacan, Manila. In behalf of the PMBP, I was asked to give a short speech; a new community threatre group called the Teatro Balagtas performed traditional Filipino dances such as singkil and pandango sa ilaw ; Ms. Christine Carlos graced the afternoon with her lovely voice; and Ka Sixto Carlos gave a heartwarming speech about community solidarity, youth involvemnent in performing arts such as the Teatro Balagtas, and social and environmental projects to revivifyPandacan.

Such a happy event! ❤

Thank you Pandacan for the warm hugs, thank you Perth for the books!

Here are some photos from the Book Shower:

A video for you!

2 03 2009

I now know how to upload videos, finally! Yay! 🙂

Now, here’s a video from my visit to Akap Bata Day Care at Pandacan Manila last month — day care kids singing with Manang Aida: